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User agreement

 Moscow, 21.09.2022
This agreement is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”
or "Offer", or "Rules", or "Rules for using the site") posted on the Site.



Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement on the use of the Site by placing an Order through the Site or by phone posted on the Site.

Website - a set of programs for electronic computers and other information contained in the information system, access to which is provided through the information and telecommunications network "Internet" at the domain name owned by the Company, and at any network addresses containing the specified domain the name and identifying the website (webpage) on the Internet as belonging to the Company.

Company - Limited Liability Company "LLC "MIR I SERVIS"", OGRN 1027739425724, INN 7712100819.

Privacy Policy - an agreement on the confidentiality of the use of personal data located on the Site at

The Client or the User is a capable natural person who has reached the age of 18, who has accepted the Privacy Policy Agreement and the User Agreement, who has made or intends to place an Order through the website or by phone, and thus concluded this Agreement with the Company.

Order - duly completed through the Site and addressed to the Masters, the Client's offer (proposal) for the provision of services / performance of work, indicating the Client's intention to start cooperation with the Master who accepted the offer. The Order becomes available for the Contractors from the moment the Client completes the procedure for placing the Order.

Master – capable individuals who have reached the age of 18, with the necessary level of qualification to perform the relevant Works, to whom the Client’s Orders are addressed, and who are the Client’s contractors directly performing the Works\Services under the Contract for the Client.

Service - the opportunity provided by the Company to the Client to use the Site or telephone communication at the number indicated on the Site to complete the Order, as well as the opportunity provided by the Company to the Master through the use of the Site or by phone to accept and execute the Order on his own behalf as a contractor.

Works - works and / or services to be performed / rendered by the Master and necessary for the Client and indicated by the latter in the Order.

Price (cost) is the cost estimate approved by the Client and the Order Fulfillment Master. The cost of the Order is agreed directly between the Master and the Client in Russian rubles.

Company's Warranty Card, Coupon or Warranty Card - a document in electronic form confirming the provision by the Company of an additional guarantee for the work of the Master in the amount and manner specified in this Agreement.


1.1 The Company grants the User the right to use the Site for processing
information posted on the Site in the public domain, placing an Order in accordance with the rules established in the Agreement.

1.2 A prerequisite for granting rights in accordance with the Agreement is the acceptance, compliance by the User and application to the relationship of the parties of the requirements and provisions defined by this Agreement, as well as the Privacy Policy.

1.3 The Company reserves the right to independently change the terms of this Agreement and all its clauses without the consent of the User, but with the notification of the User by posting a new version of the Agreement or its amended clause on the Site. The User undertakes to independently control changes in the User Agreement: otherwise, all negative consequences are assigned solely to the User himself. The new version of the Agreement and/or any of its paragraphs shall enter into force from the moment of publication on the Site, unless another date for the entry into force of the changes is specified by the Company when publishing the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement and all annexes to it is on the Site.

1.4 In case of disagreement with the new version of the User Agreement, the User has the right to stop using the Site. If the User continues to use the Site, it is considered that the User has agreed with the new version of the User Agreement.

1.5 By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User thereby agrees to receive information, advertising and other types of mailings from the Company via SMS to the User's phone number, as well as to his e-mail address and undertakes not to present any claims and demands to the Company related to with the implementation of such mailings.

1.6 By entering into the Agreement, the Client accepts the condition that the Company has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement to any third parties.


2.1 Company Rights:

2.1.1 Refuse the Client to place and accept the Order without giving reasons if the Company suspects the Client's dishonesty or internal reasons.
2.1.2 Restrict access to any information on the Site for any period of time.
2.1.3 Create, supplement, modify, delete information on the Site at its own discretion, and such actions can be performed by the Company without any notice to third parties, Clients, Masters.
2.1.4 Terminate relations with the Client unilaterally in case of violation by the latter of any terms of the Agreement.
2.1.5 Without the consent of the Client, transfer data about him:
- to state bodies, including bodies of investigation and inquiry.
- to local self-government bodies upon their motivated request.
- on the basis of a judicial act.
- third parties and public organizations at their motivated request in case of violation or alleged violation of their rights.
- in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.1.6. Conduct an audio recording of telephone conversations with the Client, about which the latter is warned in this Agreement and by phone of the Company.
2.1.7 Use audio recordings of telephone conversations in case of disputes between the Master and the Client or in other cases where the interests of the Company are affected.

2.2 Obligations of the Company:

2.2.1 Maintain the working condition and technical serviceability of the Site, except when it is impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Company.
2.2.2 Comply with the Privacy Policy.

2.3 Client Rights:

2.3.1 Use the Site to search, receive, distribute, transmit and create information.
2.3.2 Use free of charge any publicly available information on the Site, if such information does not require additional registration.
2.3.3 Place Orders.
2.3.4 Refuse the placed Order or withdraw it without giving reasons until the transfer of information about the Order to the Master.
2.3.5 Choose forms of interaction with the Master through the Site or by phone.

2.4 Client Responsibilities:

2.4.1 Comply with the terms of this Agreement.
2.4.2 Provide accurate, true, complete and up-to-date order information.
2.4.3 Do not transfer your credentials to third parties: otherwise, the responsibility and all negative consequences rest solely with the User.
2.4.4 Do not use automated scripts (programs) to collect information or interact with the Site or the services provided by the Site, except for services created by the Company specifically for such cases.
2.4.5 Take no action to gain access to other Credentials without the knowledge and against the will of the owners.
2.4.6 Compensate for losses and expenses incurred by the Company as a result of violation by the User of the provisions of this Agreement.
2.4.7 To get acquainted with the current version of the Agreement each time you visit the Site until the moment of placing the Order.
2.4.8 Do not place Orders on behalf of someone else or instead of another person.
2.4.9 Notify the Company about all conditions, characteristics, prices and other parameters of the Order executed by the Master. In case of concealment or failure to provide reliable information or provision of false information, the Company has the right to demand, and the Client undertakes to pay a fine in the amount of 25,000 (twenty five thousand) rubles.


3.1 To place an Order, the Client needs to place information on:

3.1.1 Types of Work;
3.1.2 Terms and exact time of execution of Works;
3.1.3 Address of the place of execution/performance of Works/Services, information
on obtaining unhindered access to the place of work (intercom code, etc.);
3.1.4 Number of Works;
3.1.5 As Works;
3.1.6 Number of Masters required;
3.1.7 Your personal data to contact the Master;
3.1.8 Other data at the request of the Company.

3.2 The Order can be placed verbally by phone indicated on the Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Phone”), and if the Client contacts by Phone, he is warned about the need to accept this Agreement, otherwise the Order cannot be accepted and executed under any circumstances.
When placing an Order by Phone, all the requirements specified in clause 3.1 apply to the latter. Agreements.
3.3 The Company transmits information about the Order to the Masters through the internal software of the Site for communication between the Masters and the Company.
3.4 The placed Order is processed by the Company's employees within a period of not more than 3 (three) hours, after which the Company notifies the Client about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the Order by the Master.
3.5 If the Order is accepted, the Company transfers the Master's data to the Client.
3.6 The Company has the right to request additional data about the Order if such data is essential for the execution of the Order.


4.1. The Company has the right to provide the Customer with a Warranty Card.
4.2 The voucher in the form of an electronic link is sent by SMS to the mobile phone specified by the Client within 24 hours after the execution of the Order.
4.3 The coupon contains a list of the Works performed by the Master, the warranty period. Failure to comply with the requirements specified in this paragraph, entails the invalidity of the Coupon.

4.4 The Client has the right to apply for an additional guarantee to the Company by e-mail, mail, or by phone, but in any case with the transfer of the original application and supporting documents, in the following cases:

4.4.1 The works performed by the Master do not correspond to the declared ones, or are performed poorly, with shortcomings, or not completely;
4.4.2 Improper performance of the works resulted in malfunctions of the equipment on which the Works were carried out;
4.4.3 The Client has suffered losses due to improperly performed Works.

4.5 No additional guarantee will be paid if:

4.5.1 Warranty expired;
4.5.2 The Client does not have a Coupon;
4.5.3 The Client did not provide the Company with reliable documentary evidence or confirmation from the Master that there are grounds for the payment specified in clause 4.4.

4.6 Applications for the payment of funds are considered by the Company within 20 (twenty) working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application.
4.7 If a decision is made to pay the Client an additional guarantee, the Company pays the funds to the Client using the bank details specified in the last request.
4.8 The decision on the payment of funds under the Coupon under any circumstances remains at the discretion of the Company.